Sunday, January 18, 2009

Save The Palestine....

16 Jan 2009,
On 16th jan 2009, University Technology of PETRONAS organized a peace demonstration to against Israel. PSSGMUTP also joined in this event to show that we also disagree with Israel. We have worked together as a team before the demonstration day to make a banner for that purpose. We hope that our contibution in this event will bind pssgmutp's member together and aware with what had happened all over the world nowadays.
"Stop the killing...Save the Palestinians...Down the Israel.."


Unknown said...


selamatkan kanak2 palestin YA ALLAH..
dan seluruh umat Islam yg ditindas di mukabumi MU ini YA ALLAH..

Anonymous said...

Assalamualaikum wbt

Qunut Nazilah can be recitated after performing your prayers, in order to pray for the safety and the peacefulness of our Muslim brothers, who are currently being attacked by Israel.

اللهمَّ إناَّ نجعَلُكَ فِى نُحُورِ أعدَاءِناَ وَ نَعُوذُ بِكَ مِن شُرُورِهِم
اللهم بَدِّد شَملَهُم و فَرِّق جَمعَهُم وَ شَتِّت كَلِمَتَهُم وَزَلزِل أَقدَامَهُم وَ سَلِّط عَلَيهِم كَلباًَ مِن كِلاَبِكَ
يا قَهاَّر يا جَباَّر يا مُنتَقِم يا الله يا الله يا الله
اللهم يا مُنزِلَ الكِتاَبِ ويا مُجرِيَ السَّحاَبِ ويا هاَزِمَ الأَحزَابِ إِهزِمهُم إِهزِمهُم إِهزِمهُم وَانصُرناَ عَلَيهِم

Translation (in Bahasa Melayu):

Ya Allah,
Sesungguhnya kami meletakkan-Mu di batang-batang leher musuh-musuh kami,
Dan kami berlindung dengan-Mu daripada kejahatan-kejahatan mereka,

Ya Allah,
Leburkanlah kumpulan-kumpulan mereka,
Pecah-belahkanlah dan kacau-bilaukanlah persatuan mereka,
Goncangkan pendirian mereka,
Dan hantarkanlah anjing-anjing Kamu kepada mereka

Wahai Tuhan Yang Gagah Perkasa,
Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Menghukum,
Wahai Tuhan Yang bersifat Murka,
Ya Allah, Ya Allah, Ya Allah,

Wahai Tuhan yang menurunkan kitab,
Wahai Tuhan yang mengarakkan awan,
Wahai Tuhan yang menewaskan bala tentera al-ahzab,
Kalahkan mereka,
Kalahkan mereka,
Kalahkan mereka,
Dan menangkan kami ke atas mereka.

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